How a Knee Replacement Can Change Your Life

The pain and stiffness of knee osteoarthritis can be all-encompassing and consume your life by hindering daily activities and taking away from your ability to be present mentally and physically. With a knee replacement, many people are able to regain control of their life and no longer have to cater to knee pain. If you are tired of knee pain, come see us at the ORTHOKnox orthopedic clinic in Knoxville, Tennessee. You can discuss your options for knee replacement surgery with our team, who will work with you to achieve the active lifestyle you want. We discuss the top ways a knee replacement can affect your life below.

How can a knee replacement change my life?

A knee replacement can:

  1. Restore your mental freedom

Wouldn’t it be nice to just show up to events without considering how it will affect your knee? No one wants to think about how much pain it will cause to walk to their seat on the sidelines at their grandkid’s soccer game, walk up the steps at the football stadium, or help their daughter move into her new college dorm. With knee pain, you must constantly weigh how much you want or need to do an activity with the amount of pain it will cause your knee. With reduced or no knee pain, you can remove that factor from your mental decision-making process and focus on what you care about.

  1. Give you back your sleep

Decreased pain levels and increased activity can result in a better night’s sleep, which we all know will result in more fulfilling and active days.

  1. Remove your need for pain medications

A knee replacement can remove your need for medications such as opioids. You won’t need to rely on them for pain relief or worry about addiction.

  1. Improve your overall health

You should be able to get around more easily after you are recovered from your knee replacement, which would allow you to engage in more physical activity. An active lifestyle improves your overall mental and physical health and reduces your risk of cardiovascular diseases. While you should aim for a healthy weight even before a knee replacement, you can keep working toward your fitness goals after a knee replacement.

  1. Provide stability

With proper rehabilitation, you will be stronger and more stable after your knee replacement, which will reduce your risk of falling and injury. 

What should I do if I think I need a knee replacement?

Come see us for a consultation at our Knoxville, Tennessee clinic if you think you need a knee replacement. With its on-site physical therapists, board-certified surgeon, and Orthopedic Urgent Care that is available without an appointment, ORTHOKnox has got you covered. For more information about how ORTHOKnox can perform your knee surgery, call (865) 251-3030, or fill out our easy-to-use online appointment request form. We look forward to hearing from you!

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